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BS (Physics)

Physics is used in environmental science to both detect problems and to build systems that are better for the environment with technologies such as solar power and plasma physics.

Physics fills the Home; many consumer goods developed from physics research. CDs are possible because of refinements in laser technology.

  • Candidates must have 12 years of educational certificate after F.Sc./FA/ICS/ I.Com/ or A Level program.
  • This educational certificate is also related to the admission program.
  • Minimum marks in previous course should be 45% or above.

Details Copies
Matric or Equivalent Certificate 04 copies
Intermediate or Equivalent Certificate 04 copies
Pictures (Passport Size with blue background) 08 copies
Pictures (Passport Size with blue background) 08 copies
Pictures (1Ă—1 Size with blue background) 04 copies
CNIC/ B-Form (Student) 02 copies
CNIC (Father/ Guardians) 02 copies
Admission Form 01 copies
File Cover 01 copies
NOC (If Intermediate is other than BISE, Multan) Original
Domicile copy in case of admission other than BZU 02 copies

City College