If you see yourself designing and creating software systems, then computer science might be the right course of study for you. If you are thinking of becoming a manager or administrator to a technical enterprise, a degree in computer science or information and computer sciences could provide you with the background needed to achieve your goals. If you are thinking about becoming researcher in a technical field, information and computer sciences could provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed.
Computer science is a dynamic and rapidly growing area that has become an integral part of the world that we live in today. Having a degree in this field will provide you with a deep understanding of theories and emerging technologies. This knowledge and experience will allow you to develop cutting-edge solutions that address today’s challenges. When applied in an interdisciplinary fashion, students can also draw on their other areas of interest such as biology, business, cyber security, economics, engineering, information assurance, languages and linguistics, mathematics, physics, public policy, etc., to address a wider range of acomplex issues